Oral Hygiene Basics

 In Oral Health

Having a beautiful smile can be marred by debris stuck in your teeth or even bad breath. However, bad oral hygiene can be remedied so that people always admire your smile and your mouth instead of shying away. Following these oral hygiene basics prepared by our experienced Surrey dentist could be the solution to an unhealthy mouth.

8 Oral Hygiene Tips

Preventive Dentistry

Brushing regularly: You should brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. Brush once in the morning to get your mouth feeling fresh and to remove morning breath, and once at night to remove accumulated food debris from the day’s meals. Brushing helps remove any food articles that may be stuck between your teeth that may lead to cavity formation or worse.

Flossing Regularly: Brushing doesn’t always help remove all debris in our mouth. There are times when food particles can be stuck in hard to reach places like the areas between our teeth which a toothbrush cannot access. Following the correct flossing technique helps remove the accumulated food particles.

Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet: Watching what you eat and when you eat is a huge factor in maintaining basic oral hygiene. We all need certain nutrients for our body to be healthy. This means cutting down on snacking between meals, as tempting as that maybe.

Using fluoride dental products: Fluoride toothpaste is a must and a basic for oral hygiene. It prevents tooth decay from occurring and makes your teeth more resistant to bacteria and sugars that are present in your food. By using fluoride toothpaste, you are reinforcing the enamel layer of your teeth which gets worn away from acids produced by bacteria in the mouth that feast on sugars.

Choose your toothbrush wisely: Many of us feel lazy to really give those pearly whites a good brush. This is where an electric or battery operated toothbrush could come in handy. You should consult your dental care provider on what type of toothbrush is best for your teeth, whether it is firm or soft bristled. A good toothbrush reduces gingivitis and plaque formation.

Utilize good brushing techniques: How you brush your teeth is just as important. Your teeth are formed in various shapes and sizes and the angle you hold your brush could make a world of difference. Aim the brush at the area where your teeth and gums meet in short front-back motions.

Don’t forget your tongue: Your tongue is home to many bacteria and it would remiss of you if you forget to clean your tongue during your daily brushing sessions. You can bid adieu to your bad breath and practice god dental health by remembering to brush your tongue as well.

Keep your toothbrush clean: You’ve cleaned your teeth and you’re done for the day. But you must also inspect your toothbrush carefully to see if there is any food residue left on it. If left unchecked, bacteria could grow on them which will lead to many dental problems.

These simple oral hygiene basics are a lot more inexpensive than dental treatments, but if you have any doubts regarding your oral health, you should always consult your dental care provider.

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