When Can Children Get Invisalign

 In Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the most sought-after forms of orthodontics. Because it is less noticeable and less invasive, many patients of all ages prefer to get Invisalign over traditional braces.

But at what age can you get Invisalign? Is it possible for anyone to qualify for this life-changing procedure? This is what you need to know.

Requirements to get Invisalign

To begin with, let’s take a look at what the requirements to get Invisalign are. While Invisalign might be an ideal treatment for many, the truth is that not every can have it, regardless of age. The basic requirements to be considered for Invisalign are:

  • Oral Health: To begin with, you must not have any significant active decay or tooth damage. Before braces of any type, you need to already have good oral health.
  • Baby Teeth: All baby teeth need to have come out with the permanent teeth erupting.
  • Incisors and First Molars: Your incisors and first molars should have already erupted.
  • Wisdom Teeth: Second molars and your wisdom teeth do not need to be out in order to get Invisalign. Since the trays are custom-made, they can be built to take the missing teeth into consideration.
  • Maturity: Patients need to be able to faithfully wear their Invisalign trays for at least 22 hours a day, while still understanding the trays must be removed for eating and have to be cleaned after each meal.

In theory, you could say that children as young as 12 could meet the above requirements in order to receive Invisalign. Yet, just as every orthodontic case is different, the maturity level of each child is different. If a teen patient does not take his or her orthodontic treatment seriously, the results can be disappointing.

Yet if the child is responsible and understands what is needed in order to have effective treatment, it is possible to have a younger teenager be successful with Invisalign.

There are also some oral situations where Invisalign might not be the most effective form of treatment or will take longer than traditional braces would. These cases are usually when there is substantial crowding or tooth displacement that cannot be reasonably helped by Invisalign. Fortunately, even in extreme cases, many patients can switch from traditional braces to Invisalign once the teeth have been moved to an easier position.

Why Invisalign?

Many young teenagers still get the traditional braces because they are not good candidates for Invisalign. But you still might be wondering what it is that makes Invisalign so great to begin with. With Invisalign, instead of traditional braces, your child will:

  • Be able to eat the food of his or her choice.
  • Maintain better overall oral health.
  • Eat without pain or discomfort from metal brackets.
  • Be free of sores and cuts along the cheeks and gums.
  • Be confident with his or her smile.

One of the biggest drawbacks to traditional braces in the eyes of a child is the appearance of the braces themselves. With a lot of metal in the mouth, children often hesitate when it comes to smiling. Since the teenage years are already awkward for most, having the addition of metal braces does not help.

If you are wondering whether Invisalign is a good choice for your child, schedule an orthodontic consultation today.

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