Wisdom Tooth Problems: Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

 In Oral Health

Wisdom teeth might be a natural part of oral development, but that does not mean that they should stay in your mouth. Having wisdom teeth removed has become a routine procedure for many teenagers and young adults, especially with the advancement in surgical techniques.

Yet just because you have wisdom teeth, do you need to have them out? This is what you need to know.

Trouble with Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth can cause many different problematic symptoms. Some symptoms include:

  • Toothache
  • Jaw pain
  • Headaches

Wisdom teeth can also push against the other teeth in your mouth, especially if your mouth is not big enough to comfortably hold wisdom teeth. The teeth surrounding them can be damaged or even be pushed to the point of being crooked, depending on your wisdom teeth.

If your Teeth do not hurt

The first question that you might have is whether you need your wisdom teeth out if they are not causing you any pain. Perhaps they erupted seemingly normal and have not given you any noticeable problems or they haven’t erupted, but are not troubling you. Do you need them out still?

Not all wisdom teeth will emerge normally. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, which is where the teeth are trapped underneath the skin, they can push against other teeth, your jaw, or even your sinuses. Even if you do not feel them right now, it does not mean that you are in the clear as far as removal goes.

Some wisdom teeth will also erupt at an angle, which might not hurt right away. When teeth are situated at an angle, however, there is a greater risk for the build-up of bacteria, causing infection.

The Right Age

When it comes to wisdom teeth, there is not a certain age that it has to be done. Wisdom teeth can start erupting when you are a teenager while other people will get their wisdom teeth well into adulthood. Because of the wide range of ages for getting wisdom teeth, there is not a perfect age to have them out.

Instead, it will depend on whether they are erupted, impacted, or if you are experiencing any complications or concerns with them. Your dentist will be able to determine the right time for you.

No Sign of Teeth

If you have no indication of getting wisdom teeth, they could be impacted, or you simply might not have them. Not everyone gets wisdom teeth and those who do, do not all have the same amount. Some people only have one or two rather than all four. If you have reached adulthood and there is no sign of wisdom teeth in your x-rays, chances are you are one of the lucky few who do not have them.

Why Are They Problematic?

Since oral health has only improved in the last century, the need of wisdom teeth has decreased. In previous years, many adults were missing permanent teeth, making room for wisdom teeth to emerge to fill in the space. Since we get to keep most of our teeth in modern times, wisdom teeth are obsolete.

If you are concerned about your wisdom teeth, contact your dentist to schedule a consultation today.

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