If I Have Braces, Do I Still Need Dental Check-Ups Every 6 Months?

 In Oral Health

Let’s face it: Having braces is one of the biggest inconveniences to date. That is if we are speaking frankly, which we are. Meaning it is necessary to mention the reason we would opt to suffer the slight discomfort of braces: it is all worth it for that beautiful smile for a lifetime. And granted, it is easier these days – thanks to the advancements in dental technology.

So, if you currently have braces; or your local dentist is telling you that you need to consider them in your near future, how do you ensure that you are getting the most out of the experience? A dental check-up is no doubt something that your parents, your doctor, or your dentist himself has encouraged throughout your life. Does this change when you get braces? Let’s see…

What Are Dental Check-Ups?

Dental check-ups are necessary for overall dental hygiene and oral health. We all want to look after our teeth and gums, but at times we forget the effort that is needed in order to do so. What would the dentist check for during this routine appointment?

Dental cavities in the teeth

Cavities can sometimes only be seen in an X-ray; therefore, some dentists will insist on scanning your mouth.

Plaque and tartar on the teeth

Plaque is what appears on the surface of your teeth before it becomes tartar. Because plaque and tartar are results of bacteria, if left untreated it can lead to oral diseases.

Any sign of gum disease

The spaces between the teeth and gums will determine whether a patient has developed any gum disease. The dentist will most likely use a specialised tool to determine this.

Don’t forget about the tongue and throat

Some dental check-ups will include the examination of your tongue, throat and sometimes the face and neck. Any signs of inflammation or irritation could mean that there are bigger problems to address.

How Often to Go for Check-Ups?

Because your oral health is determined at these check-ups, they are obviously vital. The recommended amount of visits a year is two. That is for someone without any complications. If, however; you have a need to see the dentist more often then that would be necessary. The golden rule here would be to listen to the advice of your dentist or oral hygienist and ensure that you go at least twice a year.

What About Those with Braces?

Well, think about it logically: would someone with braces face more complications with their teeth? Unfortunately, yes. Food and food particles can often get stuck in between the teeth and the braces. Anything that may not be removed by brushing and flossing can cause bacteria, and as mentioned above, bacteria can cause serious harm. Therefore, it is even more essential for those with braces to go for regular dental check-ups.

So please, the next time you wonder to yourself, “Do I really need to go see the dentist when nothing feels wrong?”: don’t! It’s not even a question whether regular dental check-ups are necessary. Your dentist is there to care for and protect your teeth: diagnosing any problems early on; cleaning and maintaining your oral hygiene and health; and giving expert advice on necessary homecare. Keeping in mind the goal of your dentist will make the vitality of these appointments that much clearer. Also, keeping in mind the aim of the braces themselves might help motivate you to take the best care of your teeth during this process. Keep in mind: regular dentist check-ups are essential, especially when you have braces.

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